Her Perspective
His Perspective
The Bond of Love
My Interpretation : 

Her Perspective : The whole series talks about love from woman's point of view where she is dedicated towards the journey but can't say the same about the man. Connected in the beginning the man slowly detached himself from the connection due to various reasons. The man's ego puts the love between them at stake. 

His Perspective : As the name says this set talks from a man's point of view. Willing to go hand in hand but couldn't hold it for long despite having a beautiful connection in the beginning. Here, a woman's pride has the power to destroy a beautiful long lasting experience of love.

The Bond of Love : What happens when a man's ego and a woman's pride is respected and understood in equal amounts? 
Every highs and lows can be tackled by the pair making their love stay for infinity in every life they are born.

Abstract Love

Abstract Love
